If you are looking to stream Live TV on your Android, then you are at right place. You can easily do this by using different apps which are specially built for this purpose and there is no need to pay for such app. We are going to provide you details about various free apps to stream the online TV for you. Using the app, you can enjoy TV programs and other entertainment anytime and anywhere. It will allow you to see your favorite programs in time without the need to be present at any special place. Have a look at all of the best free live TV streaming apps for Android.

live tv streaming apps for android

3 Best Free Live TV Streaming Apps

Now you can enjoy watching your favorite movie or show using your Wi-Fi or cellular network, and all that thanks to the best free live TV streaming apps.

1. Mobdro – Free Video Streams for Android

It may consider the best app for live TV experience. There are various categories in this app which will help you to stream the right category according to your interest. It comes with the categories of Entertainment, Sports, Movies, Animals, gaming, anime, Music, Tech, spiritual, and science fiction programs.

live tv app for android

This amazing app has the capacity to provide you with all programs in more than 10 languages. It means you can use this popular app in your own native language. Additionally, its interface is very friendly and it takes TV programs from more than 30 countries to ensure the presence of your searched programs for live streaming. You just need to download it and start enjoying live TV.

Download Mobdro for Android from www.mobdro.sc

2. Exodus Live TV App – Free Live TV App

It is another app which has its amazing features and you can download it right now. You should know that its user interface is very friendly and it’s a love to use it again and again. There is no need to sign-up and the live streaming rate is fast than other apps and you can quickly get access to all of your searched media.

free live tv app for android

As a result, you can enjoy this app anytime and can see HD quality TV programs and other TV stuff on your Android without any cost. However, there are ads in this app when you are using it for free. If you want to remove ads, you can purchase its paid version by spending few dollars.

Get Exodus for Free

3. Live NetTV – Live TV Free Android

It can be considered as the most famous app when it comes to stream live TV on your mobile. This is fast, reliable, and offering more than 750 real-time channels to all of its users. You also should know that it covers the TV channels of most of the countries in the world. It includes TV channels from Asia, Europe, Middle East, and other subcontinents.

live tv streaming apk

This thing is enough to provide you high-quality HD streaming and with a lot of external video player supports. You can also filter its channels to find and get your desired channel in less time. After it, you are free to enjoy live TV streaming of your required channel as long as you want. You can download it too from Play store for your Android phone.

Download Live NetTV

4. RedBox TV – Best Streaming App

Another great live Tv app for Android is RedBox TV. It is live streaming App and you can download it for free from Google Play Store. RedBox TV supports more than 1000 live channels from 15 different countries and has a built-in support for Android player, 321 Player, MX Player and Web Player.

download live tv streaming app

This app is easy to use and all you need is to select your favorite channel and to choose the media player.

You can Get the RedBox TV app for Android from Google Play

We hope that you liked our list of the best free live TV streaming apps for Android. Don’t forget to like, share and leave your comments in the section below.